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More than two millennia following his death, Ducetius remains an
enigmatic figure. We are not even certain of his true name, or what he looked like. (The bust shown here is not actually
Ducetius but a Greek god.) His attributed name probably was not the one he
used during his lifetime. Ducetius shares a root with the Latin
"Dux" meaning "leader," an etymology shared with the English noble title
"duke" (Italian duca) and the Italian word "duce." The Greek name
of Ducetius was Doketios. What little we know of him is derived
from the Siceliot authors Timaeus and (later) Diodoros, obviously recounted from the Greek
point of view. Here is what we know with reasonable certainty.
Ducetius was born in eastern Sicily, possibly near Mene (now Mineo),
in an area to which his Sicel (Sikeloi) ancestors had retreated following
centuries-long amalgamation (intermarriage) and cultural assimilation
with the colonising Greeks. The Sicels were originally an Italic
In Ducetius' time the most important Sicel towns were Agyrium,
Centuripae, Henna (now Enna) and three towns called Hybla, all still
inhabited today. Under Greek domination Sikelian society was little more
than a loose federation. Their occasional conflicts with the Greeks were
usually based more on momentary social issues rather than broad cultural
matters. Like the Hellenized Elymians of western Sicily, the Sicels had generally
assimilated quite rapidly and easily with the Greeks, so it would be
incorrect to conclude that Ducetius espoused a particularly
"nationalist" movement. It should be remembered that the
ancient Greeks spent as much time fighting each other as warring against
the Persians and Carthaginians; Greece itself was hardly a united region,
and Sicily's various Greek communities reflected this
Ducetius was educated as a Greek. When it was convenient, he played
Greek against Greek, an effective strategy in Sicily where Greek cities
were, in effect, independent states. In 460 BC (BCE) Ducetius lent
military support to Syracuse against Katane (Catania), supposedly for
offences of the former against the Sicels. Some sources credit him with
founding Mene. He soon occupied Morgantina. Around 452 he founded
Palické, later destroyed by the Syracusans.
Alarmed by his increasing military power, the Syracusans decided, in
451, to impede him following his successful campaign against the
Agrigentans near their home city. In 450 he was defeated near Nomae,
tried, and exiled to Corinth. Around 446 Ducetius returned to Sicily and
founded the Siculo-Greek city of Kale Acte, on a cape of the northern
coast in what is now the province of Messina. (several sites have been
suggested for this locality, whose precise site is disputed). This new
city was populated by Sicels and some Corinthians. A renewed
independence movement died with him around 440. In the immediate decades
to come the Sicels' culture was complete subsumed by that of the
About the Author: Palermo native Vincenzo Salerno has written biographies of several famous Sicilians, including Frederick II and Giuseppe di Lampedusa.