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The public buildings in Palermo and Catania which resemble a hybrid
of Neoclassicism and Art Deco are part of a twentieth-century
movement often called Italian (or Fascist) Rationalism. Public courthouses
and post offices (Palermo's Via Roma post office is shown here) were the
most conspicuous examples. In Italy the movement found its roots in the
Futurism of Antonio Sant'Elia (1888-1916) and then the early Bauhaus. Giuseppe
Terragni (1904-1943) designed such buildings in and around Como in northern
Italy in the so-called "International Style."
By the late 1920s, with Fascism in full swing, Marcello Piacentini (1881-1960)
became the regime's favourite architect, designing everything from railway
stations to university buildings. In 1926 the "7 Group" of architects
published a declaration in favour of the new style and against revivalism,
effectively repudiating the Neoclassicism then in vogue in the United Kingdom
and the United States, and the waning Neo-Gothic,
Art Nouveau and Neo-Baroque
movements. The epitome of the movement was to be EUR (Esposizione Universale
Roma), planned for 1942. The war precluded this, but by 1935 construction
was already under way, and today EUR, a community south of Rome, is centred
around these greyish, monumental buildings.
The style died a slow death. Piacentini, a card-carrying Fascist, was
briefly detained but by 1946 he was again an architecture professor. (Designing
ugly buildings may be considered an unattractive vocation but it is hardly
a war crime.) Pier Luigi Nervi went on to design the Sports Palace used
as the Olympic Stadium in 1960. EUR has sometimes been the scene for motion
pictures requiring an aura of "totalitarian" or simply bizarre
architectural styles.
To the layman the German styles popularised during the Nazi era seem
similar to Rationalism. In truth, the work of Albert Speer and others reflected
stronger Neoclassical influences, but very few of Speer's buildings survive.
In his biography, Speer mentions his trips to Sicily and Greece and the
effect the ancient temples of Segesta
and Agrigento had
on his work, and on his architectural vision in general. In stark contrast,
his Italian counterparts sought, successfully or not, to create something
new. It's interesting to speculate that, ironically, the Germans might have
come closer than the Italians to creating an urban architecture reminiscent
of that of the Roman Empire whose revival Mussolini
so craved.
About the Author: Architect Carlo Trabia has written for this publication and others.