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Overshadowed by its much younger "sister" archaeological find
(the Rosetta Stone) in London's British Museum, the Palermo Stone is often
regarded outside scholarly circles as a mere footnote to ancient Egyptian
history. It is, in fact, much more important than its reputation might imply.
Housed in the Salinas Regional Archaeological Museum in Piazza Olivella
in central Palermo, the Palermo Stone is a stela (inscribed upright stone
slab bearing an inscription) carved from black basalt. It superficially
resembles the Rosetta Stone, which is chiefly a linguistic key. The significance
of the Palermo Stone lies in its being a record of some of Egypt's earliest
The stone was probably engraved during the last years of the Fifth Dynasty
or the period immediately afterward. Thus dated to around 2420 BC (BCE),
it is the oldest surviving historical text of ancient Egypt and was probably
the basis of subsequent histories and chronologies, including that of Manetho.
The hieroglyphics list the kings until the time of Menes (circa 3000
BC), specifically his more important predecessors, the earliest of whom
are the quasi-mythical "god-kings." Menes is sometimes credited
with uniting Egypt, but the Palermo Stone suggests that the region may originally
have been united long before his reign, implying that he reunited it following
a period of chaos. Nevertheless, the stone's engravings state that Menes
received the throne from the god Horus, who is just one of the numerous
deities mentioned.
In addition to this chronology, it mentions specific events, such as
the height of the Nile during flooding, taxation, religious festivals, military
activity and even certain buildings. Details such as donations to the temples
are also featured, mentioning land, cattle and agriculture. The hunting
of hippos is noted in the annals of the First Dynasty. The smelting of copper
to make statues, indicated as early as the Second Dynasty (beginning 2890
BC), is useful in precisely ascertaining the earliest phase of the Bronze
Records such as this are best interpreted in corroboration with others,
such as the "Royal Canon" of the Turin Papyrus, useful for dates
beginning a thousand years later than the period of focus of the Palermo
Stone --a reminder that the various kingdoms of Egypt existed, in one form
or another, for an era spanning more than three millennia, until the Roman domination. Corroboration is not limited to
documentary evidence; identifying actual buildings with those mentioned
in the inscriptions is also important.
Continuity is the whole point behind this unique chronicle, written to
legitimise Menes' own Fifth Dynasty as legitimate successor to older historical dynasties and
even gods. Thus it is unsurprising that Menes would assert that his throne
was a direct gift from Horus. As the references recede into antiquity, their
literal accuracy probably lessens, though the inscriptions almost certainly
reflect earlier ones lost to time. A good case could be made for the Palermo
Stone being the oldest written historical record in the world to have been
definitively dated and completely interpreted.
Inscribed on both sides, the piece of the stone in Palermo is only a
fragment of the original stela. Other pieces are displayed in the Cairo
Museum and the Petrie Museum (London). Discovered near Memphis in 1866,
the Palermo Stone ended up in Sicily en route to London. Only in 1895 was
it found in Sicily, and its importance noted, by an archaeologist visiting
from France. In fact, it had been kept by a Sicilian family in their home,
where it was actually used as a door mat. (This certainly seems to support
the thesis that until recently Sicily was not the most appropriate place
to preserve antiquities, whether Sicilian or foreign.) The first published
information regarding the Palermo Stone was the study of Heinrich Schafer,
in 1902.
While the Palermo Stone lacks a connection to ancient Sicilian history
per se, as Sicily was beyond the western frontier of Egypt, it is important
to acknowledge that the culture brought to Sicily by the Phoenicians
circa 800 BC was influenced by Egypt's, a fact reflected in Phoenician art (such as the stelae from Mozia shown here)
and mythology (the cult of the goddess Isis). The inscriptions are, of course, important in establishing
the early history of the societies of the eastern Mediterranean, which in
turn form the groundwork of those - such as the civilisations of Asia Minor
(probably via the Elymians), Greece
and Phoenicia - that contributed much to the cultural fabric of ancient
About the Author: Architect Carlo Trabia has written for this publication and others.