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(See Best of Sicily's heraldry links page for additional articles on
heraldry-related topics and Sicily's armigerous families.)
Until 1948, the Consulta Araldica (College of Arms) governed heraldic
matters in the Kingdom of Italy. Based first at Turin and later at Rome,
this agency was part of the Ministry of the Interior. Italian heraldic law
was rather complex --full of regulations and other provisions attempting
to preserve certain heraldic practices of the realms which had existed in
Italy before 1860. Indeed, various regional heraldic commissions had spent
decades to ensure that the entrenched nobilities of the Kingdom of Sardinia,
the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, the Papal State, and the grand duchies
of Tuscany, Parma and Modena, as well as certain formerly Austrian territories,
would not be unduly offended by the body of heraldic law of the newly-unified
In general, heretofore unrecognised noble families, whether titled or
not, were required by law to petition for recognition of their ranks or
titles by the Crown if such was desired. The names of the heads of these
families were inscribed in the Libro d'Oro della Nobiltà Italiana,
a series of large, handwritten registers maintained at the offices of the
Consulta Araldica. (This should not be confused with the Libro d'Oro
published by the Collegio Araldico today; the Collegio Araldico is a private
heraldic society, not a governmental entity, and its Libro d'Oro, though
reasonably reliable, includes many fantastic histories and, particularly
in cases of alleged untitled nobility, dubious claims to aristocratic lineage.)
Although the terms of decrees of creation issued prior to
1860 were respected, general regulations were instituted to establish national
norms based on the Sardinian (Savoyard) model. While a few titles devolved
to heirs male general, titles the subject of new creations were stipulated
to be transmitted by legitimate male primogeniture. In certain realms, such
as the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, female succession had been permitted
in cases where male heirs were lacking, and this policy was abrogated. Transmission
of titles to adopted children required royal rescript and was otherwise illegal.
The last Italian monarch, King Umberto II (1904-1983), was deposed by
popular referendum in 1946. Though its results have been disputed, at least
in certain quarters (particularly by fervent monarchists and by several
Italian regional courts), this referendum (remarkably, the first occasion
for Italian women to vote) was held under American auspices during the Allied
occupation and established the Italian Republic as a legitimate state recognised
internationally and, eventually, by all of the former ruling dynasties,
the Vatican, the Republic of San Marino and the Sovereign Military Order
of Malta.
Article 139 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic codifies the
exile of the King of Italy and his male heirs, a provision being abrogated
only fifty years later. It also abolishes the Consulta Araldica and official
recognition of predicati (territorial designations or "seats")
if recognised during the Fascist era (i.e. after 28 October 1922). Subsequently,
these designations could be suffixed to surnames as a result of particular
petitions to provincial courts having jurisdiction in such matters. Eventually,
Italian high courts would issue still more rulings to attenuate the status
even of those titles recognised until 1922, but local courts would uphold
the rights to identity of titled aristocrats in cases where impostors claimed
the titles and territorial designations of living persons whose immediate
forebears had been recognised by the Consulta Araldica before 1922.
The Italian Republic's recognition (for cultural purposes) of royal dynasties
other than the House of Savoy served to bolster a return of adherence to
nobiliary laws as these had existed before 1860. The dynasties of the Two
Sicilies and Tuscany naturally recognise their own heraldic norms, rather
than those of the House of Savoy. The two orders of knighthood (Order of
Malta and Constantinian Order of St. George of the Two Sicilies) that recognise
ancestral nobility for certain knights employ their own nobiliary standards, at least in theory,
and in a few respects these differ from those employed in the Savoy dominions
in recent centuries.
Recent decades have witnessed an increasingly widespread interest in
coats of arms and titles of nobility, especially among Italian descendants
abroad, many of whom have been deceived by heraldic or genealogical research
firms (some, ironically, operated by noble families) into believing themselves
to be armigerous or even titled.
The sale of Italian noble titles is entirely fraudulent; a titled Italian cannot divest
himself of a title of nobility, even with a notarised document, and under Italian heraldic law an adoptive child does
not become the heraldic or nobiliary heir of his adoptive father.
As recently as the eleventh century, the sovereign rulers of vast regions
--Savoy in the north and Sicily in the south-- were known by the simple
title of count. Until around 1300, titles of nobility were hardly
necessary as indications of high birth because aristocrats bore surnames,
while the common people were known only by given names. At this early date,
aristocratic surnames were usually toponymic, based upon the name of the
family's fief (di Grosseto, di Noto, etc.). This has led some to believe
that there exists in Italian a surname prefix or other onomastic characteristic,
akin to the German von, which indicates nobility. This is not true,
nor do double-barrelled surnames indicate aristocratic origins; most often,
a dual surname simply indicates that numerous families in the same town
bore the same surname and eventually required differentiation to distinguish
among themselves. As mentioned above, a nobleman's name sometimes includes
a predicato, though not a title. Thus, Giuseppe Lanza, Prince of Trabia
bears the surname Lanza di Trabia, rather than simply Lanza (a common
surname), on legal documents. So great were the differences between the
rulers and the ruled in medieval Italy that a common man would not think
to impersonate a knight or lord, although this has certainly changed.
The majority of feudatories were simply signori (from the French
seigneur, a title introduced into Italy by the eleventh-century Normans),
vassali (vassals) or cavalieri (knights). Eventually, this
class came to be known collectively as the baroni (barons), as in
Italy barone was not always a title descriptive of a particular feudal rank.
During the fourteenth century, most minor feudal lands became baronies,
their holders barons. It must be observed that the use of these titles usually
required some form of sovereign sanction or feudal tenure.
Though they had been used rarely, titles of nobility had certainly existed
before circa 1300, but these were usually military ranks and not hereditary.
During the fourteenth century, nobiliary titles became hereditary in most
of Italy, usually transmitted by male primogeniture and almost invariably
linked to land.
Under the Longobards and their residual civilization (the Lombards) in
Italy, a fief might devolve to heirs male general of the feudatory, which
is to say, to all of his legitimate sons. Yet, this was not a uniform or
universal practice. With the Norman influence, Frankish law, dictating male
primogeniture as a means of feudal succession, supplanted the Longobard
norm in most of Italy. With very few exceptions, Italian titles are inherited
only by eldest sons.
By tradition, certain titles, usually dukedoms, are vested in the persons
of royal princes. The Head of the Royal House of Italy, though a royal prince,
is the Duke of Savoy. The Head of the Royal House of the Two Sicilies, also
a royal prince, is the Duke of Castro. These titles are analogous to the
royal dukedoms (York, Kent, Windsor, etc.) accorded to members of the British
Royal Family.
There was a time, until 1812 in some regions, when the purchase of land
designated "feudal" ennobled the buyer ipso facto; the purchaser
of a comital fief (a county) thus became a count. This practice ceased with
the abolition of feudalism. (Serfdom, a feudal institution, was abolished
in Italy during the Middle Ages.) A number of families still own portions
of their traditional feudal holdings, but feudal rights and prerogatives
of any kind were finally abrogated by the time that Italy was united in
1870. Although most Italian titles are attached to nominal "seats"
(territorial designations), usually the names of fiefs or dimore, the ranks
and titles are incorporeal. That is to say that, like an idea, name or copyright,
the titles constitute a form of intangible property, but property nonetheless.
In fact, this is true of nobiliary titles in most nations; the Duke of Westminster,
for example, would retain his ancestral title even if he had no actual property
in the dukedom of Westminster.
In the Kingdom of Italy, titles of nobility did not accord their holders
parliamentary seats or, indeed, any particularly noteworthy privileges save
for some purely heraldic (armorial) ones, such as the legal use of a title
and coat of arms and precedence at the Royal Court. The principle that the
person of a "peer" or other nobleman was inviolable was not applied
in nineteenth-centuruy Italian law, for it did not exist. That a titled
nobleman ("pari" or "peer" in common parlance though
"peers of the realm" were actually greater nobles elected to the
Sicilian Parliament beginning in 1812) might enjoy freedom from attachment
was likewise an unknown right.
One reason for this is that with the introduction of liberal Savoyard
(Piedmontese) law throughout most of Italy by 1870, the Neapolitan and Papal
attitudes toward the rights of the nobility had already begun to disappear,
and in the event were no longer supported by statute.
Titles and Ranks
Principe, Principessa. (Prince, Princess). From the Latin princeps,
meaning first, this is the highest Italian title of nobility, and also the
title accorded members of the royal families. Many of Italy's noble princes,
particularly in northern regions, are princes "of the Holy Roman Empire,"
and lack feudal territorial designations attached to their titles. Some
southern princes descend from the most ancient medieval feudatories. In
most cases, the holder of a princely title in Italy is the descendant of
forebears who in antiquity were barons or counts, the family having been
elevated through the nobiliary ranks over the centuries. Until the latter
part of the nineteenth century, princes were addressed most formally as
"Your Excellency," a form of address that may be compared, in
this instance, to the British use of "Your Grace" for a duke or
duchess. The wife of a prince is a princess. The younger son of a prince,
and the heir before succession to the title, is a nobile dei principi di
(seat), namely a "noble of the princes of" some place. Use of
the honorific appellations don (lord) and donna (lady) for the son and daughter
of a prince is obsolete except in formal documents issued by institutions
that recognize Italian titular nobility. Princes and their consorts are
most formally addressed verbally by title and territorial designation. The
heraldic coronet of a noble prince is a jewelled circlet of gold surmounted
by four visible pearls between five visible strawberry leaves. In most representations,
the deep red tasselled cap is not rendered within the coronet.
Duca, Duchessa. (Duke, Duchess). Derived from the Latin dux,
a military leader, this title originally was reserved to the sovereign rulers
of important territories, such as the Duchy of Spoleto. Like princedoms,
dukedoms are sometimes borne by nobles whose early medieval forebears were
barons, enfeoffed knights or other feudatories. Like princes, dukes were
formerly accorded the address "Your Excellency." The younger son
of a duke, and the heir before succession to the title, is a nobile dei
duchi di (seat), namely a "noble of the dukes of" some place.
Dukes and their consorts are most formally addressed verbally by title and
territorial designation. The heraldic coronet of a duke is a jewelled circlet
of gold surmounted by five visible strawberry leaves. Usually, the crimson
tasselled cap is not rendered within the coronet.
Marchese, Marchesa. (Marquess, Marchioness). The term derives
from the Old Italian marchio, referring to the man charged with guarding
a march, or border territory, and the French marquis shares the same origin.
The Marches region, which borders Umbria, is so-called because it was once
such a territory. Some attribute the origin of this word to the Middle Latin
marchisus, a prefect. Most marquessates are of modern foundation; one reads
of few marchesi before the fifteenth century, and the title is quite rare
even today. The younger son of a marquess, and the heir before succession
to the title, is a nobile dei marchesi di (seat), namely a "noble of
the marquesses of" some place. Marquesses and their consorts are most
formally addressed verbally by title and surname; since in Italy a woman
usually continues to use her own father's surname even after marriage, a
marchesa may bear a surname other than her husband's. The heraldic coronet
of a marquess is a jewelled circlet of gold surmounted by three visible
strawberry leaves, the central leaf flanked by two rows of three pearls
each, supported by stems or set directly upon the rim.
Conte, Contessa. (Count, Countess). The word traces its origin
from the Latin comes, for military companion. Comital territories
were large in the eleventh century, but virtually indistinguishable from
baronies by the fourteenth. For purposes of precedence, there is no contemporary
distinction between a feudal count and a count palatine; the latter was
usually a court officer who lacked a territorial designation attached to
his title. It is noteworthy that conte is one of the few Italian titles
sometimes, though rarely, inherited by all heirs male, depending on the
terms set forth in the patent of creation. The younger son of a count, and
the heir before succession to the title, is a nobile dei conti di (seat),
namely a "noble of the counts of" some place. Counts and their
consorts are most formally addressed verbally by title and surname. Counts
palatine were created by certain sovereigns and by the Popes and usually
bore no territorial designations attached to their surnames The heraldic
coronet of a count is a jewelled circlet of gold surmounted by nine visible
pearls, supported by stems or set directly upon the rim.
Visconte, Viscontessa. (Viscount, Viscontess). Originally vice
comes, for the attendant of a count, this is the rarest of the modern Italian
nobiliary titles, almost unknown in some regions. The younger son of a viscount,
and the heir before succession to the title, is a nobile dei visconti di
(seat), namely a noble of the viscounts" of some place. The standard
crest coronet of a viscount is a jewelled circlet of gold surmounted by
five visible pearls, the middle and outer ones supported by stems, the remaining
two rendered in a smaller diameter and set directly upon the rim.
Barone, Baronessa. (Baron, Baroness). The title is probably of
Germanic origin; the Latin root baro referred to a simpleton, but
by the Middle Ages baronis was a title of nobility or, more often,
a nobiliary rank employed in reference to holders of feudal property. Most
seigneuries (see below) were eventually elevated to baronies. In the South,
the most important medieval baronies were elevated to princedoms or dukedoms
by the eighteenth century. Though often employed loosely in the remote past,
the title barone was by 1800 established to be a creation or recognition
resulting from royal prerogative, not an honorific privilege to be appropriated
by any wealthy landholder. Heraldic regulation in the Kingdom of Italy further
established that the sons of barons could no longer appropriate cavaliere
as a courtesy title. Barone is the most frequent of the modern Italian noble
titles. The younger son of a baron, and the heir before succession to the
title, is a nobile dei baroni di (seat), namely a noble of the barons of"
some place. The standard heraldic coronet of a baron is a jewelled circlet
of gold surmounted by seven pearls, supported by stems or placed directly
upon the rim.
Signore (seigneur). Originally a feudal lord, the title was introduced
into Italy by the Franks and Normans. Formerly a minor title, the title
is rarely used today because most signori bear greater titles by which they
are commonly known, and because, in common parlance, signore has come to
mean "Mister." It may, albeit in an abstract sense, be compared
to such ancient titles as mor, esquire or manorial lord. Seigneuries were
feudal lands, similar to baronies, appertaining to certain lords, either
as sub-fiefs attached to baronies or, more often, depending from the Crown
directly. A signore might therefore owe fealty to a baron or directly to
the king. This is the lowest title which carries a seat. As these noblemen
bear a title which is no longer in use, though still mentioned in nobility
directories, no particular crest coronet is displayed for this rank. In
practice, a signore may display the coronet of an untitled nobleman (see
Patrizio (Patrician). The term obviously derives from that used
to describe the aristocratic class of ancient Rome, and identifies the urban
patriciate of certain northern Italian cities. A patrizio is said to be
"of" a certain place, such as Venice or Florence, without it being
his "feudal" seat (patricians were an urban aristocracy). The
rank is normally transmitted to heirs male general. According to legislation
enacted by the Consulta Araldica, there is no feminine, but the daughter
of a patrizio might be said to be dei patrizi [surname], namely "of
the patricians [surname]. Patrizio is also the translation of the name Patrick;
Patrizia is Patricia but is never used as a title. The crest coronet of
a patrician is a simple jewelled circlet of gold.
Nobile (Untitled Nobleman). In the Dark Ages, local leaders known to
their people were nobiliti, from the Latin nobilitas, meaning, appropriately,
"known." The rank denotes some, but not all, aristocratic Italian
families which lack titles. This class may be compared to the landed gentry
of Great Britain. There are, strictly speaking, two kinds of nobili --the
younger sons of titled nobles and male members of the aforementioned noble
families in which there have never been titles. The latter are comparable to the
landed gentry of some countries. The crest coronet of a nobile
is a jewelled circlet of gold surmounted by five pearls, supported by stems
or set directly upon the rim.
Cavaliere Ereditario (Hereditary Knight Bachelor). This rank,
usually transmitted by male primogeniture but sometimes to heirs male general,
is quite similar to a British baronetcy but older. However, it does not,
as is commonly believed, have any direct connection to the medieval rank
of the enfeoffed knight. Most cavalieri ereditari descend from the
younger sons of nobles or from historically untitled families ennobled with
this form of knighthood in the fifteenth or sixteenth centuries in Sicily,
Sardinia and some parts of mainland Italy. Writing in 1925, Francesco San
Martino de Spucches speculated that, at least in theory, hundreds of Sicilians
entitled to no other hereditary honour could lawfully succeed to particular
hereditary knighthoods which were long-dormant for lack of claimants.
The first and second part of this series were published in 2007.
The Sicilian nobility and nobiliary institutions are described on other pages of this site.
About the Author: Luigi Mendola is one of the foremost experts in the field of Italian
heraldry, and his work has been published since the 1980s in the United
Kingdom, the United States and elsewhere. This article is the third in a